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sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2012

Caso clínico do aluno Flávio Pacheco / Mestrado em Endodontiada Equipe de Endodontia de Campinas

Bom dia amigos!
Temos um caso de um trat. de canal que achei interessante a respeito da visualização radiográfica e o uso do localizador .
Dá-se a impressão de que a raiz DV está num processo de reabsorção, fizemos outras tomadas radiográficas para tirar dúvidas, quem utiliza o localizador sabe que nessa situação ele poderia fazer a leitura de ápice aberto ou uma raiz curta, porém confiamos no localizador e a lima foi penetrada além da região que a imagem mostra como término da raiz.

Um abraço.
Flávio Pacheco.

Int Endod J July 2012 - Cyclic fatigue of Reciproc and WaveOne reciprocating instruments

Cyclic fatigue of Reciproc and WaveOne reciprocating instruments 

G. Plotino, N. M. Grande, L. Testarelli & G. Gambarini    

Plotino G, Grande NM, Testarelli L, Gambarini G. Cyclic fatigue of Reciproc and WaveOne reciprocating instruments. International Endodontic Journal, 45, 614–618, 2012.
Aim To evaluate the cyclic fatigue resistance of ReciprocÒ and WaveOneÒ instruments in simulated root canals.
Methodology Two groups of 15 NiTi endodontic instruments of identical tip size of 0.25 mm were tested, group A; ReciprocÒ R25 and group B: Wave- OneÒ primary. Cyclic fatigue testing was performed in a stainless steel artificial canal manufactured by repro- ducing the instrument’s size and taper. A simulated root canal with a 60° angle of curvature and 5-mm radius of curvature was constructed for both the instruments tested. The centre of the curvature was 5 mm from the tip of the instrument and the curved segment of the canal was approximately 5 mm in length. The ReciprocÒ instruments were activated using the preset programme specific for the ReciprocÒ instruments, whilst the WaveOneÒ instruments were activated using the preset programme specific for the WaveOneÒ instruments. All instruments were rotated until fracture occurred and the time to fracture (TtF) and the length of the fractured tip were recorded and registered. Means and standard deviations of TtF and fragment length were calculated for each system and data were subjected to Student’s t-test (P < 0.05). Results A statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) was noted between ReciprocÒ and WaveOneÒ instru- ments. ReciprocÒ R25 instruments were associated with a significant increase in the mean time to fracture when compared with primary WaveOneÒ instruments (130.8 ± 18.4 vs. 97.8 ± 15.9 s). There was no signif- icant difference (P > 0.05) in the mean length of the fractured fragments between the instruments. Conclusions ReciprocÒ instruments were associated with a significantly higher cyclic fatigue resistance than WaveOneÒ instruments.

Keywords: cyclic fatigue, nickel–titanium, recipro- cation. 

download paper in pdf

quarta-feira, 27 de junho de 2012

terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012

Caso Clínico de Premolar com 3 Canais Radiculares - Eduardo Seferino

Técnica de instrumentação: Rotatória (sistema Protaper). 
Irrigação: hipoclorito de sódio 2,5% + EDTA 17%.
Obturação: Híbrida de Tagger (Mac Spadden). 

Cimento: Sealer 26. 
Selamento: Coltosol + CIV

Últimos dias para Inscrição de Trabalhos no 4o SBENDO/Bahia

Tratamento Endodôntico do dente 38 - Profa. Andressa Pais

EEC no X Encontro APCD Jardim Paulista - 24 e 25 de agosto de 2012

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Reunião do Grube- Grupo Bauruense de Endodontia / junho 2012

Encontro do Grube- Grupo Bauruense de Endodontia foi realizado na FOB - USP - Bauru.
A aula ministrada pelo Prof. Carlos Bueno foi "Da instrumentação Recíproca ao retratamento: novos conceitos em endodontia."
Endodontistas paraguaias no evento
Prof. Marco A. Hungaro, Prof. Carlos Bueno, Prof. Clóvis Monteiro Bramante e  Prof. Ivaldo Gomes

domingo, 24 de junho de 2012

Caso Clínico do Colega Endodontista Marcel Caetano

Caso Clínico do Dr. Marcel Caetano (Endodontista)
Termoplastificação da guta-percha. Schilder, McSpadden e OCC.

JOE june 2012 - Removal of Gutta-percha from Root Canals Using the Self-Adjusting File

Removal of Gutta-percha from Root Canals Using
the Self-Adjusting File
Kathelijn C. Voet, DDS, Min-Kai Wu, DMD, PhD, Paul R. Wesselink, DDS, PhD, and Hagay Shemesh, DMD, PhD

Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the percentage of the residual gutta-percha–occupied area (PRGPA) in root canals after retreatment using Pro- Taper retreatment files (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) with or without the additional use of Self-Adjusting Files (SAFs; ReDent-Nova, Ra’anana, Israel). Methods: Root canals in 33 curved mesiobuccal roots of the first maxillary molars were cleaned and filled with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer (Dentsply De Trey, Johnson City, TN). Retreatment instrumentation was performed in 28 roots with ProTaper retreatment files and Hedstr€om files. The Additional use of SAF was performed in 14 of the 28 roots. Five roots were not retreated. All roots were sectioned horizontally at 2, 4, and 6 mm from the apex. PRGPA was measured at each section. Scores 1 through 5 were used to repre- sent the increasing extent of PRGPA; score 1 was 0%, and score 5 was >30%. The data were analyzed with nonparametric tests. Results: Score 5 was recorded in all sections from roots that were not retreated. In re- treated roots, the scores for the group using SAF were significantly lower than that without using SAF (P = .045); however, scores were higher at 2 mm than at other levels of the root regardless of whether the SAF had been used (P = .03). Conclusions: The complete removal of gutta-percha from the apical portion of curved canals remains a challenge. The additional use of SAF removed more gutta-percha than ProTaper alone. (J Endod 2012;38:1004–1006)

Key Words
Gutta-percha, ProTaper, retreatment, Self-Adjusting File 

JOE june 2012 - Use of Large-volume Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Identification and Localization of Horizontal Root Fracture in the Presence and Absence of Intracanal Metallic Post

Use of Large-volume Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Identification and Localization of Horizontal Root Fracture in the Presence and Absence of Intracanal Metallic Post

Felipe Ferreira Costa, DDS, Bruno Felipe Gaia, DDS, Otavio Shoiti Umetsubo, DDS, MS, Lucas Rodrigues Pinheiro, DDS, Isabel Peixoto Tortamano, DDS, MS, PhD,
and Marcelo Gusmão Paraiso Cavalcanti, DDS, MD, PhD

Introduction: The objective of the study was to eval- uate the ability of large-volume cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) to detect horizontal root fracture and to test the influence of a metallic post. Methods: Through the examination of 40 teeth by large-volume CBCT (20-cm height and 15-cm diameter cylinder) at 0.2-mm voxel resolution, 2 observers analyzed the samples for the presence and localization of horizontal root fracture. Results: The values of accuracy in the groups that had no metallic post ranged from 33%– 68%, whereas for the samples with the metallic post, values showed a wide variation (38%–83%). Intraob- server agreement showed no statistically significant difference between the groups with/without metallic post; both ranged from very weak to weak (kappa, 0.09–0.369). Conclusions: The low accuracy and low in- traobserver and interobserver agreement reflect the diffi- culty in performing an adequate diagnosis of horizontal root fractures through a large-volume CBCT by using a small voxel reconstruction. (J Endod 2012;38:856–859)
Key Words
Cone-beam computed tomography scanning, diagnosis, horizontal root fracture 

segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012

Aula e Hands-on de Instrumentação Rotatória e Obturação Termoplastificada em Teresina-PI / Prof. Carlos Fontana (Equipe de Endodontia de Campinas)

O Prof. Carlos Fontana esteve em Teresina-PI após o convite da Profa. Maraisa Greggio Delboni, Prof. Marcilio Melo e Prof. Salma Paiva para ministrar uma aula e hands-on de Instrumentação Rotatório e Obturação Termoplastificada no  Institutp Lato Sensu.
As atividades ocorreram nos dias 15 e 16 de junho de 2012.

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domingo, 17 de junho de 2012

Prof. Carlos Bueno (Equipe de Endodontia de Campinas) estará na Ciudad Del Este / Paraguai nos dias 26, 27 , 28 de julho para mais uma Palestra sobre Sistemas Reciprocantes

Por primera vez dictando curso en Paraguay! Mes de julio, promete para EndoEspecialistas, cada modulo que pasa vamos recibiendo profesores destacados del area! y quien mejor para honrar dicho mes que la presencia del Dr. Prof.Carlos E. S. Bueno, uno de los renombrados iconos de la Endodoncia Actual, todo lo que querran saber sobre el sistema unico que llego para quedarse los sistemas "Reciprocos" 

Curso de Especialización de La Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, Campus Alto Paraná de Paraguay

sexta-feira, 15 de junho de 2012

Caso Clínico de Mauro Henrique Chagas - Tratamento Endodôntico do dente 16

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quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2012

segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2012

Sistemas Reciprocantes: WaveOne e Reciproc / Ensino nos cursos de Pós-Graduação da Equipe de Endodontia de Campinas / São Leopoldo Mandic

2o Semestre - Cursos de Pós-graduação em Endodontia:

Curso de Mestrado Bimestral em Endodontia - Início 20/08

Curso de Especialização em Endodontia - Início 27/08

Curso de Capacitação Avançada em Endodontia - Início 28/09

Curso de Aperfeiçoamento Noturno em Endodontia - Início 26/09

Maiores informações acesse:

Central de Atendimento 
São Leopoldo Mandic
Telefone: 0800 941 7 941

domingo, 10 de junho de 2012

JOE june 2012 - Effect of Ultrasonic Activation on pH and Calcium Released by Calcium Hydroxide Pastes in Simulated External Root Resorption

Effect of Ultrasonic Activation on pH and Calcium Released by Calcium Hydroxide Pastes in Simulated External Root Resorption
Marco Antonio Hungaro Duarte, PhD,* Nickolas V. Balan, DDS,† Marcia A. Zeferino, PhD,† Rodrigo R. Vivan, MSc,† Carlos Alberto H. Morais, PhD,‡ Ma rio Tanomaru-Filho, PhD,§ Ronald Ordinola-Zapata, MSc,* and Ivalgo G. Moraes, PhD*

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of ultrasonic activation of calcium hydroxide (CH) pastes on pH and calcium release in simulated external root resorptions. Methods: Forty- six bovine incisors had their canals cleaned and instru- mented, and defects were created in the external middle third of the roots, which were then used for the study. The teeth were externally made imperme- able, except for the defected area, and divided into the following 4 groups containing 10 samples each ac- cording to the CH paste and the use or not of the ultra- sonic activation: group 1: propylene glycol without ultrasonic activation, group 2: distilled water without ultrasonic activation, group 3: propylene glycol with ultrasonic activation, and group 4: distilled water with ultrasonic activation. After filling the canals with the paste, the teeth were restored and individually immersed into flasks with ultrapure water. The samples were placed into other flasks after 7, 15, and 30 days so that the water pH level could be measured by means of a pH meter. Calcium release was measured by means of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Six teeth were used as controls. The results were statistically compared using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests (P < .05). Results: For all periods analyzed, the pH level was found to be higher when the CH paste was activated with ultrasound. Calcium release was significantly greater (P < .05) using ultrasonic activation after 7 and 30 days. Conclusions: The ultrasonic activa- tion of CH pastes favored a higher pH level and calcium release in simulated external root resorptions. (J Endod 2012;38:834–837)

Key Words
Calcium hydroxide paste, calcium release, pH, root resorption, ultrasound

quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012

Capítulos da Equipe de Endodontia de Campinas no Livro - "Endodontia: Uma Visão Contemporânea".

Capítulos da Equipe de Endodontia de Campinas no Livro - 
"Endodontia: Uma Visão Contemporânea".

quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012

Cursos de Endodontia da EEC - Equipe de Endodontia de Campinas - 2o Semestre de 2012

Para os cursos do 2o semestre a Equipe de Endodontia de Campinas
tem o privilégio de anunciar a incorporação dos novos 
Sistemas de Instrumentação
Reciprocantes: WaveOne e Reciproc

Coordenador: Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo da Silveira Bueno
Doutor em Endodontia

Mestrado em Endodontia
Microscopia Operatória / Novos Sistemas Rotatórios e Reciprocantes (WaveOne e Reciproc) / Obturação Termoplastificada 
Duração: 30 meses

Periodicidade: Mensal (7 primeiros meses)/ Bimestral (área de concentração)

Início: 20/08/2012
Valor: R$1.300,00

Aperfeiçoamento Noturno em Endodontia
Duração: 12 meses
Periodicidade: Quinzenal/Noturno (Quartas-feiras das 18:00 as 22:00h)
Início: 26/09/2012
Valor: R$400,00

Especialização em Endodontia
Microscopia Operatória / Sistemas Rotatórios e Reciprocantes (WaveOne e Reciproc) / Obturação Termoplastificada 
Duração: 20 meses
Periodicidade: Mensal (4af a Sábado de manhã)
Início: 27/08/2012
Valor: R$950,00

Capacitação Avançada em Endodontia (Especialistas)
Microscopia Operatória / Sistemas Rotatórios e Reciprocantes (WaveOne e Reciproc) / Obturação Termoplastificada 
Duração: 05 meses
Periodicidade: Mensal (Sexta e Sábado)
Início: 28/09/2012
Valor: R$450,00

Informações Sobre o Curso e Matrículas:
Central de Atendimento São Leopoldo Mandic
Telefone: 0800 941 7 941

Desconto de 10% sobre as mensalidades para ex-alunos do Centro de Pesquisas Odontológicas São Leopoldo Mandic de Campinas e Unidades de Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Itapetininga, Porto Alegre e Vila Velha, com exceção daqueles que fizeram cursos com módulo único. 

terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2012

Roots 2012 - Foz do Iguaçu / Brasil: 18 a 20 de outubro

Grade Científica do Roots 2012 (clique para ampliar):

Valores e informações para registro no evento:

segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2012

4o Congresso da SBENDO Bahia-2012 / 02 a 04 de agosto

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Retratamento Endodôntico do dente 16 - Prof. Augusto S. Kato

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domingo, 3 de junho de 2012

Síndrome do Dente Fraturado / Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Congresso de Endodontia - CANAL 2012 - 13 a 14 de julho